UXMA Greece

We are UXMA – a diverse bunch of specialists who love what they are doing. Each one in their own field. With cross-industry expertise, we support international medium-sized companies in the entire spectrum of software and product development.

Who we are

The company was founded in 1985 in Kiel, Germany. Over the years the owner-managed business grew from a design studio into an international and comprehensive development partner with more than 100 specialists employed.

Offener Büroraum mit mehreren Schreibtischen. Alle Plätze sind mit einem Laptop und einem großen Bildschirm mit Maus und Tastatur sowie einem ergonomischen Bürostuhl ausgestattet. Die Arbeitsplätze werden von lilafarbenen Stellwänden voneinander getrennt in denen Grünpflanzen stehen. Der Raum ist mit hellem Holzboden ausgestattet und er kommt viel Licht durch mehrere Terassentüren herein.

Our Location

Our UXMA GREECE office is located at Ioannou Tsimiski right in the centre of Thessaloniki – the second largest city in Greece. A flexible workspace and the interpersonal interaction with other creative people represents our UXMA Mission perfectly.

Working at UXMA

An important part about our work is the UXMA Teamspirit. We all want to spend our time with people we like and with topics we are passionate about. We approach every situation with openness and creativity. Far away from any departmental thinking, our team always works together cross-functionally and looks at its tasks from different perspectives. 

We are hiring

We are convinced that you can only successfully develop the future and make the world a little bit better especially when it fits between the people you work with. That’s why we are searching for new team members for our office in Thessaloniki. If you want to start or evolve your Software Engineering career, please check out our current job descriptions. We are looking forward to your application!

Let’s create the future together!

We fit you and you fit us? Then take a look at our job ads and apply directly on our site! We look forward to getting to know you.