Method­Mate: Method competence to go

Our MethodMate is online! Following the launch of the digital carbohydrate calculator Carbster, the second UXMA app is now available in the stores. With MethodMate, we provide project developers with a powerful methodical helper on their smartphone.

Visualization of the two UXMA apps: MethodMate and Carbster
With MethodMate and Carbster, two UXMA apps are now available in the iOS App Store and Google Play Store.

Method card set goes digital

Our tried-and-tested method card sets are now also available in digital form as an app for all project developers. An extensive collection of 40 methods represent our selection of the “best of all worlds” - they come from design thinking, UX design, software and mechanical engineering, service and process design and business model development. The filter function now makes it even quicker and easier to select the right methods for your project.

Zwei Personen sitzen am Schreibtisch. Die linke Person hat ein Smartphone in der Hand und die MethodMate App geöffnet. Die rechte Person zeigt auf das Methodenbeispiel in der App und macht sich nebenbei Notizen.

Method Wizard

Sound knowledge and careful planning are essential for methodical work. The app provides detailed step-by-step instructions for all methods. These instructions are divided into preparation, implementation and follow-up sections so that all project participants are able to apply the 40 different methods for process and product design.

The app also contains numerous tips and variations. Particularly noteworthy are the integrated timer for recording implementation times and the note function for additional comments and your own ideas.

MethodMate is your reliable partner for methodical work in your project - regardless of whether you already have experience or are just starting out.

You can find more information here.

Technical specifications

  • developed in Flutter

  • Design realization with Material UI

  • dark mode

  • outstanding accessibility

  • very dynamic CMS (step-based process)

  • interactive app use (notes within the app, individually adjustable timer)

  • no tracking, data remains on the end device

  • interdisciplinary collaboration between design and technology

A person is holding a smartphone on which the MethodMate app is open. You can see the start screen with the method overview.

Method card set

However, if you prefer something more tangible or need a haptic supplement in workshops and brainstorming sessions, you can still use our analog method card sets.

You can find all information here.

A smiling woman holds three of UXMA

Download now!

Test the MethodMate app, discover the different methods and lead your project to success.


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