Minister Claus Ruhe Madsen visits UXMA

A friendly handshake for every UXMA employee, an open smile and genuine interest in our work - when Claus Ruhe Madsen, the Minister for Economic Affairs, Transport, Employment, Technology and Tourism of Schleswig-Holstein, comes to visit, it's anything but a boring run-of-the-mill press event.

Dr. Johannes Ripken, Susanne Arpe-Darwisch, Michael Arpe, Claus Ruhe Madsen and Christoph Eichhorn are looking forward to collaborating in the future.

Intensive exchange

During the company presentation, the native Dane and former mayor of Rostock was impressed by the UXMA team's extensive expertise and its goal of advancing the user experience across all industries and customers. The minister, DiWiSH cluster manager Dr. Johannes Ripken and the UXMA management then engaged in an open and controversial discussion about the state's digital future. Claus Ruhe Madsen emphasized his ambition to remove hurdles and simplify bureaucratic processes - goals that are fully supported by the company.

The management of UXMA is sitting at a table with the Minister of Economic Affairs and is in discussion. The screen shows: Hej Claus. Minister for Economic Affairs, Transport, Employment, Technology & Tourism.
The minister sits in an armchair and smiles at his interviewer. In the foreground, an employee holds VR glasses in his hands.

Closing ranks between politics and business

During the two-hour meeting, the focus was on identifying common areas of overlap. They discussed how a digital player like UXMA can use its expertise to support the most pressing future issues for the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The minister showed particular interest in UXMA's project work in the areas of digitalization, infrastructure and mobility.

Among other things, project manager Simeon Ortmüller presented our “Refit Night Express” concept, which enables sustainable travel by night train. These topics are to be discussed in more detail at subsequent meetings in order to further intensify the cooperation between the country and UXMA.

The management of UXMA is engrossed in a conversation with the minister. Some are laughing, the atmosphere is friendly.


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