Now online: The UXMA Sustainability Report 2023

“We want to make the UX of tomorrow's world better.” That is our aspiration. Our promise is to make our contribution to ensuring that the world of tomorrow and beyond is preserved in a form worth living in for future generations. We transparently document how well we are doing in keeping this promise in our annual Sustainability Report. The 2023 edition is now available for download.

A woman sits relaxed on a sofa and holds a tablet in her hand. She smiles friendly at the man sitting opposite her, who has his back to the viewer.

Continuity and consistency

Ambitious goals can only be achieved if you don't lose sight of them, are consistent in your approach and take an honest look in the mirror when measuring success: Where do we stand after period X, which measures were beneficial, what worked less well? We have now published our second Sustainability Report, an honest and transparent reflection on our sustainability efforts.

Preview of the Sustainability Report 2023.

Facts, Facts, Facts

Our 25-page report addresses UXMA's sustainability strategy in terms of environmental, social and economic aspects and sets out the facts and results of our actions. How many tons of CO₂ were offset? How many emissions are to be saved in the medium term? How many employees refrain from driving by car to work? What is being done for social inclusion?

You can find all the answers to these and other questions in our report. We hope you enjoy reading it.

You can download the Sustainabilty Report 2023 here free of charge.

The UXMA Sustainability Report 2023 is currently only available in German. An English version will be made available shortly.

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