Sketch Notes

Images that can talk: In our fast-paced world, supporting visual elements are necessary to make complexity comprehensible. Especially in recent years, more and more support has been provided by sketch notes, graphic recording or visual facilitation in processes. But what do these buzzwords actually mean and how can you use them?

Small-scale illustration on the topic: "What are Sketch Notes?". Drawings of books, pens, smileys, geometric shapes and people in front of whiteboards.

Sketch Notes - What’s that?

Sketch notes are used to create visual personal notes. These can be used in workshops, amongst other things, to directly visualize all ideas. Another form is the use of sketch notes to explain complex topics. For example, the German magazine Apotheken Umschau uses graphics from NadiNa rossa to explain placebo-controlled double-blind studies. This type of visualization is being used more and more frequently, especially in the doctor-patient and teacher-student context, to explain complex content to a wide audience.

Illustration von verschiedenen Stiften mit der Aussage:"Don

Advantages of Sketch Notes

A major advantage of visualization is that all participants see an image that they can discuss. This prevents individuals from drawing their own interpretation of an image in their heads. The image on the “paper” is considered valid by all participants and must be worked out together. None of these methods are new, but they have received a significant boost in recent years. In my opinion, this is the result of the fact that we can use them to simplify the content and bring it closer to a diverse audience. In workshop environments, we can visualize ideas and “think” together.

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