Now online: The latest issue of the UXMA Trend Report!

AI is omnipresent. It has the potential to fundamentally change society, the economy and our everyday lives. New tools and user interfaces make AI directly accessible to us and enable an immediate experience with its advantages and disadvantages. What will our current and future user experience with AI be like? What expectations do users have when interacting with it? Is “text-in-text-out” the end or just the beginning?

In this Trend Report, we not only take a look at current developments, but also venture an outlook on the future of AI and describe the potential challenges that await us and what new applications could emerge.

Systematic trend analysis

To be successful in the long term, it is not enough to make vague predictions about possible trends and superficially deal with the obvious effects. Rather, it is crucial to integrate a system that enables us to deal intensively and continuously with emerging changes and assess their significance for our company as well as our goals and products.

For this reason, we have made it our mission to search for, carefully analyze and evaluate new trends. In our annual Trend Report, our experts report in detail on the latest trends and explain their significance for the future.

Cover and table of contents of the UXMA Trend Report 2023 and preview of the table of contents.

Absolutely worth reading

After the first two editions of the UXMA Trend Report, we are now pleased to publish the third edition. On 64 pages you will find the most relevant trends in holistic product development. Well-founded, visionary and compact to the point. We see our Trend Report as an impetus for discussions about tomorrow's innovative products. Our aim is to create an awareness of what is new and to start a conversation about what these trends could mean for companies and industries.

The following trends are included:

  • Respect Driven Design

  • Sketch Notes

  • Design for AI

  • Design process with AI

  • AI in the kitchen

  • Ethics in UX design

Curious? Read more now.

Here you can download the complete UXMA Trend Report 2023 free of charge and benefit from other exciting articles! Please note that the UXMA Trend Report 2023 is exclusively available in German.

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