Design Code

No unicorn = no solution: A unicorn in the digital field is a person who combines the fields of expertise of design and software development. Not only do they bring very good skills in broad areas of software development, but also a good eye for design and know how to conceive and implement it themselves. Since both areas are already very extensive subject areas in their own right, unicorns are understandably rare to find.

Graphic of a unicorn, represented by various punctuation and special characters such as brackets in round and square, dollar signs, dashes and & signs.

Unicorns on the rise

In my opinion, however, this is not a dying species. On the contrary, I believe that unicorns will become more common in the future – not necessarily many, but more. For a few years now, there have been discussions about making computer science a compulsory subject at school. This can’t happen fast enough because solid media skills are more important than ever for our digital future. In addition, it is becoming increasingly easy to get started in computer science. Programming languages have evolved and are becoming easier to learn. There is also an ever­growing number of learning opportunities, many of them free of charge. And finally, computer science is slowly but surely losing its nerdy image.

Side view of a unicorn, artistically represented by special characters such as brackets in round and square, dollar signs, dashes and & signs.

Who should (know how to) code?

Everyone, and I mean everyone (not just UI designers) should try to build up a basic understanding of software development. I don’t mean the development of an entire app, but at least the basics of a programming language or web development – at least on the front end. From a purely practical point of view, this is not abso­ lutely necessary today with the help of modular systems. Nevertheless, understanding how, for example, a website is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript enables much more confident handling of such aspects. And this is especially true for designers of digital products.

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