Our path to becoming a CO₂-neutral company

Thanks to a comprehensive energy concept, we have been working for many years to continuously improve our energy balance. We are mindful of our energy consumption and have been able to drastically reduce our use of resources. Since 2019, we have been recording our CO₂ emissions in detail in order to be able to fully offset our currently unavoidable emissions. With our current offset performance for 2020, we have supported three valuable climate projects.

A woman sketching with a felt-tip pen on a glass surface.

Targeted compensation

In 2020, a total of 235 tons of CO₂ were emitted by UXMA. To compensate for these emissions, we have chosen the Planetly organization. Planetly supports local and international initiatives for climate protection, such as reforestation, the renaturation of peatlands or the protection of the oceans.

We have selected three climate projects to offset our CO₂ footprint: the biomass project in Bulgaria, the REDD+ forest and wildlife conservation project in Kenya and the "Cooking Stoves for Families" project in Honduras. 

  • Biomass project, Bulgaria: The aim of the project is to use the available renewable energy sources in the form of biomass residues from the pre-treatment of wood for the production of pulp for paper manufacturing. The biomass residues are burned in a specially designed biomass boiler to produce thermal energy in the form of steam, which is required for the production of pulp. The project contributes to a reduction in CO2e emissions of 83,000 tons per year.

  • REDD+ Forest and Wildlife Conservation Project, Kenya: REDD+ is the acronym for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. United Nations REDD+ projects pursue long-term strategies to address the causes of deforestation and degradation. This REDD+ project protects over 200,000 hectares of dry forest with over 11,000 wild elephants living in this ecosystem and prevents 1.5 million tons of CO2e from entering the atmosphere annually.

  • "Cooking Stoves for Families" Project, Honduras: The collection and burning of firewood damages the ecosystem, reduces local biodiversity, and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which in turn contributes to global warming. This project initiative addresses these issues by providing efficient cooking stoves to rural families in Honduras. Households using these stoves require only about half the usual amount of firewood for their usual needs. This not only reduces deforestation and thus carbon emissions, but also gives women and children more time to spend on income-generating activities or schoolwork.

Together for a strong tomorrow and beyond

CO₂ compensation is not the end of our corporate activities, but rather the beginning: The analysis of CO₂ emissions is used as an opportunity to continuously reduce CO₂ emissions with a variety of measures and the involvement of the entire company.

To this end, a UXMA sustainability team has been in place since 2020, which has set itself the task of rethinking the causes of our CO₂ emissions and selecting or creating alternatives. The UXMA sustainability team is made up of employees with a wide range of professional expertise and our management. Because, for us at UXMA, sustainability is a matter of the heart! As a company, we not only want to make our economic contribution, but also to think about tomorrow today and align our actions with the day after tomorrow. 

A UXMA employee sitting comfortably in a wing chair reading on his laptop.


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