Trend Reports

Our mission: to develop tomorrow’s excellent user experience today! For this reason, our experts are constantly monitoring what the current challenges are for people, technology and business. We have summarized these for you in our trend reports.

Issue 3 | 2023

The collection of trends that influence us and our work is huge – in order to keep an overview, our experts have summarized the latest and most relevant trends for you here.

Everyone is talking about AI – but how and in which areas can we use it specifically to benefit from it in our work? In this issue of our Trend Report, our experts examine the interfaces between AI and design processes, among other things. As a contrasting program, we are tempted to reach for pen and paper again – what exactly are sketch notes and why can we benefit so much from them in the digital age? We shed light on these and other exciting topics in six articles.

Please note that the UXMA Trend Report 2023 is exclusively available in German.

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Issue 2 | 2022

In order to always be one step ahead, we have made it our mission to constantly and intensively search for new trends, observe them closely and evaluate them. With the current UXMA Trend Report focusing on software development, we would like to share our findings with all future thinkers.

What new guidelines does WCAG 2.2 entail and why should we all take a closer look at the topic of accessibility? Find out what unicorns have to do with code and why the Internet would be the sixth largest country in the world in the second edition of our trend report. In six articles, the most important trends in software development are examined and scrutinized.

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Issue 1 | 2021

In order to achieve sustainable success in new product development, it is necessary to constantly and intensively keep abreast of the latest developments. This is not just about observing megatrends or industry changes, but also about recognizing trends early on that are capable of changing an entire society in a short space of time. In this issue, our experts have looked at the latest trend developments in the design context.

How can technology be shy? How can user interfaces become more three­dimensional again? How does AI progress go hand in hand with the desire for more manual work? Our experts ask and answer these and many other questions in our first Trend Report. In total, we look at six exciting trends and examine why they are accompanying us in user-centered product development.

Please note that the UXMA Trend Report 2021 is exclusively available in German.

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On this basis, we analyze website visits to create sales-relevant information.

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